Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Don't Ever Change by John H. Carroll


This is a SHORT STORY about 6750 words long which would translate to about 30 printed pages.

Don't Ever Change is a stand alone short story. High school was a time of fond memories for Lori. Twenty three years later, she's back in town for her mother's funeral. Not wanting to deal with family right away after a long drive, she roams around town, only to find herself in front of her old school.

On a whim, she decides to sneak through a hole in the fence and take a look around. The last thing she expected was to find a classmate from long ago. Even more shocking was the fact that he hadn't changed even a little bit; right down to the OP shirt and parachute pants.

When Adam explains that he's been going to school every year for the last twenty three years, it shocks Lori. He shows her the yearbook where she wrote "Don't Ever Change". Then he explains how it's her fault that he's still exactly the same as when they went to school together, right down to the acne and braces. How would you feel about never being allowed to change? Perhaps you'll think a little bit harder the next time someone asks you to sign their yearbook.
Important facts: Where does the story end?: At 82% the story ends and the author's bio and a summary for every other book they wrote comes up.

Reviews-At Amazon there is currently 24 reviews.

Writing wise: I didn't see many mistakes.

Warnings: A little graphic. Not too bad to me.

Read Time: 30

My Brief Thoughts: Freaky and funny. I get the feeling from the beginning, that the student back then, was good. I think time, that would not allow him to change on the outside? Resulted in the change on the inside to this evil person. I imagine going to high school and never growing up over the years could really do something to someone.

I can't really tell you the ending, but it was satisfying enough for me.

Did it fit me? Yeah actually, it wasn't too bad. Not the best, but not the worse.

Dead(ish) by Naomi Kramer

Linda's had a bad day. First her boyfriend killed her. Then she woke up, still on this boring plane of existence, and with an odd obsession about her missing body. Mike won't tell her what he did with her body, and she can't find the stupid thing herself. There's only one thing she can do - torment the bastard until he coughs up the information. This is a very short work - novelette length - around 11000 words or 44 (print) pages. Warning: Frequent foul language, mild sex scenes, and Australian spelling. Not suitable for children.
Important facts: Where does the story end?: At 93% the story ends and a small excerpt for the next book begins. (Next book is short too.)

Reviews-At Amazon there is over 100 reviews.

Writing wise: I didn't see mistakes.

Warnings: There is a hell of a lot of fucking cussing.

Read Time: 30

My Brief Thoughts: Holy shit! If this isn't the most crazy thing I have read in a short story, I don't know what is. Deadish is all about a girl who dies and she can't pass over until her body is found. She annoys her boyfriend constantly from beyond the grave to make him find it. She eventually gets some help from a professional to seek it out. Add in sex, strange neighbors, and a lot of annoying things that will make you laugh or cringe, and you've got it.

OMG, just check it out. This book is free and if you don't like it, you'll know in the first few pages and call it quits. If it fits you, there are two more books after this weird shit. There isn't much to add to the review because I don't want to spoil it for ya.

Did it fit me? Hell yes, this was whacked out and really entertained my weird ass.

Welcome to Indie Shorts

Welcome to Indie Shorts. This is a review site that hopes to help out a lot of people who like shorts.

Why I started it: I'm a mom. I'm busy. I used to have one of those carefree lives when I could read wonderful novels all day long. Well, now my time for reading is less, and with ebooks, I can find books that actually fill my free time just right.

However, it's hard when it comes to choosing the right one. Samples are really little and with copyright info, pictures, and anything else the author puts in there, it makes the sample even smaller. So I have to rely on my gut instinct and reviews.

Then, you have the number of how long the book is, but the author suddenly figured 'hey, let's throw in the first chapter of my novel!' and didn't bother warning people. It made the book a little longer. Yes, I've bought an 8,000 worder before and the actually story was less than 3,000 words.:(

These are the things I want to cover with my reviews. Is the author giving a fair deal? That's what I'm here for. So if you like short stories and are wondering whether it's yeah or nay, look for my reviews.

I will also let you know how long it took me to read. I'm a little faster than the average reader, but not by much. I won't go into details though. The options will be:
 Less than 10
an hour
Longer than an hour

If anything runs over an hour, there's no way it's a short story to me. It's gone into a longer reading category.

I will be getting some genre categories on the side when I begin. This site will have a little bit of everything. Hope you enjoy.